February book reccomendation: "Queens of the Crusades" by Alison Weir

      February's book recommendation


       "Queens of the Crusades" by Alison Weir

Hello, fellow history nerds!
I have picked this book because I have recently read it and I have fallen in love with it, to be completely honest. The book goes into the lives of 5 Queens, Eleanor of Aquitaine, Berengaria of Navarre, Isabella of Angloume, Alienor of Provence and Eleanor of Castile. 
The book is non-fiction but when reading the book it feels like a novel, it is written very engagingly. The book highlights the lives of these Queens, and how they have mostly been forgotten. It covers the years 1154-1291, this also covers the reign of Henry II, Richard I, John, Henry III and Edward I. 
We discover how these women lived, what they endured and how they dealt with the medieval constraints on women. Eleanor of Aquitaine, for example, was a formidable woman who was a force to be reckoned with and everyone knew she was in charge. However, Berengaria of Navarre did not have much political influence and possibly didn't even set foot in England until after her husband's death. 
This book covers a history where some reigns were really successful and others less successful. King John is known as one of the worst kings England has ever had, King John was forced to sign the Magna Carta. We witness what life was like for these women, what their marriage was like and how they were received in England.
This book is a must for people wanting to brush up on their Medieval history, and their Queens.
Go out there history nerds and conquer!
Until next time, 
        Unholytudor 🌟



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